Originally Posted by Sharkie405
Silly question, I know, but does anyone have a BG4ALL cab they can post that for sure works 100% with Sense Core 2018?
My issue is the music and photo tab's fullscreen landscape mode. I realize this is not exactly the right thread, but I know a lot of you here know about all the mods. I'm posting a screenie because I'd like to make sure that any cab that's get posted in response to this request DOES NOT cause the issue with the black bar on the right side of the screen. I've tried several and all of them have had this issue.
As an FYI to anyone as well, CHT fixes this issue with it's BG4ALL, but I'd like it to work 100% without CHT as well.
Thanks in advance for any help! 
Yeah, you know someone has to, right?

Haha, here bud, try this one on for size.