Thread: SWYPE on WM7
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Old 10-15-2010, 10:56 AM
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Smile SWYPE on WM7

Sorry haven't reviewed WM7, but SWYPE is new input method, it recently won world speed record for text input, oringinally on Android. So I looked for it for my ATT FUZE (WM 6.1) -

Hey I have both a new Android (EPIC Sprint) and Win 6.1 (ATT FUZE), I was so impressed by SWYpE built-in to the EPIC, I searched the Internet for a Win version - guess what, search on SWYPE keyboard VGA CAB. (A Win mobile install file is usually a cab, orignially cab was Pocket PC). Voila, here's a link, it even works on old Win 6.1 FUZE.. be careful your Winmo phone supports VGA, there's a QVGA version for old phones. Just search for Swype keyboard QVGA CAB. Here's the VGA version:
swype cab vga - download - (1 files) So SWYPE even works on older WM phones, and it's AWESOME.... I guess you folks will tell me whether it's already built into WM7 ......