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Old 09-14-2010, 03:14 AM
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Re: Allusion's Windows Ultimate Black & Blue Theme - Help With Build & Design Please

Post 2: Today-Home Screen & Scroll Bar

Alright so I'm going to post my first mock page for the Home Screen and I will be kinda rough looking.
Now in addition to the Mock screen I will also be posting some images of icons, clocks, exc that I want to use for this. The Clock I will be posting will be the bases of the theme and the color palette for it as well. and a few icons I plan on using but might need animating or final draft touch ups.

Black & Blue Swirl Clock - (Bases of Theme and Color Palette)
background image changeable but main color palette for theme
will be black and blue with white text, alot of stuff semi-seethru
with a modern style look with rare semi-traditional pieces that are update
to a modern look for offsets (example the clock below lol)
text I have not figured out yet but was hoping to keep this compatible
with KD-Font by Kliptik so people could place any font they want into place

Home Screen Mock Images - Basic Layout For Now
want to replace the start button on the top left with Apps button
have a lock button inbetween the two lock images
maybe change the sprint text to white
clock layout will need to made to match to theme
but info will stay in placed areas and blank area will be for
weather animation, and home page will still have either the
weather wallpaper option or the animated wallpaper
the windows logo will work as a normal start button like in windows xp
Equip with: Programs
Internet Favorites
Task Manager List
and Open to other Suggestions

So here is a better more complete home screen
looking more like what i want but still got a long
ways ago
Also the start menu setup and use that I like is from
QuickMenu which can be found here Alen-SoftWare - which is
from China but I found it on the xda site here
QuickMenu 2.8 from China!!!Best start-menu and task-switcher[UPDATE 02-03-2009] - xda-developers
but I have altered it alittle but not sure if my alterations are already available in
the program itself

So here is the battery I want to use. Still needs animation for charging.
All I have so far is just the 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%

okay for the volume marks i got speaker, speaker mute, headphones
still going to need an icon for vibrate

Alright so here is the signal bars, and signal bars with data
but signal bars with data still need animation

alright so the next section over is for connection status and type
i have posted wireless network found, wireless network connected,
connection is active, active sync
I still need icons for 1X, Ev, connection is not active, phone no service,
phone searching for service, phone turned off (airplane mode), voice call
in progress

last section for the right side is the notification area
so far all i have for that is the usb item
i still need alarm, bluetooth headset connection, bluetooth on,
bluetooth visible mode on, missed call, multi notifications,
new instant message, new text message, roaming, speakerphone on

Alright now for the SCROLL BAR
as of right now the scroll bar with have 13 items on it
which is the same as the default but in a different line up
as it stands now the 13 tabs are going to be:
1st Today - Home (still needs to be recolored to match theme)
2nd Contacts - People (just the plate needs to be recolored to match theme)
3rd Text Messaging (just needs to be darken more to match to theme)
4th Calendar (needs more work on coloring to match to theme)
5th Social Networks (maybe a different icon, dark tone to match to theme, maybe changed alittle)
6th E-Mail (need icon all together)
7th Internet (perfect, doesn't need to be changed any further)
8th Multimedia (need icon all together)
9th Navigation (need icon all together)
10th Weather (icon changes to match to weather)
11th Office (maybe a little more color work, either darker or add the missing blue to it)
12th Apps (need icon all together)
13th Settings (maybe a little altering, darker)

and then each of them may have there own sub pages as well
but this may very from time to time
i'm right now playing and exploring with different icons and sub
pages to see what i like

now i still got alot more to post in here but I need to go threw and make less images to post so I can get them all here, so in a little while I will have this redone with more images

makes KD-Font

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Last edited by allusion; 10-11-2010 at 03:33 AM.
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