Thoughts for the day….
Windows random closing apps problem: Directly related to OC (Over Clocking).
Why? For some odd reason I’ve always had to run Sashimi several times prior to it completely finishing all 20 of my cab installs (some to SD some main mem). This morning I was wondering why one of the icons was not showing… turns out it was the MSM7K OC program link… didn’t ever get installed!!!! I’ve been going days w/o OC??! Seems I would have noticed, but when I then installed it, didn’t say had to uninstall other one first! Not once did I have an app close on me, in the background or other… not over the last couple days. Immediately upon installing (OC@74

it started closing apps. Several times Opera! Not saying it will or must happen to you. Simply saying, based on my results, it’s VERY LIKELY!
*edit* the key here is that, the higher I push it toward max/freeze up... the more it does it!
*edit 2* I've NEVER been able to run @ 748 with NO SOD's!! This ROM??!!!
2. Maan: You post a while back about
this ROM being so slow & doesn’t NRG test them.
a. This is the
first time he’s flashed with such a low pp. ½ of what he use to do… which would give the OS much less RAM (caching of it self) than it use to have… which makes it seem slower… BUT, I’m convinced the lower pp has given unbelievable stability & dependability to this ROM! I haven’t been reading much here lately (working on droid), but I’m just not seeing the dozens & dozens of memory error problem posts as we did when it was @ 24!
Something I’ve noticed with high pp… the slider seems really fast, menu changes are fast, etc.. but after an hour of hard use & multi tasking with multiple apps up &/or multiple tabs on Opera… hands down, I’m out of memory & everything runs slow, doesn’t run, out of memory, etc.. etc.. I’d rather have a work horse then flashy
Another random observation.., after about an hour with NO USE my RAM drops into the 50’s doing NOTHING. If it was doing that starting @ 58, would probably be around 40… after an hour sit?
b. If you had an HD2 would you spend time testing all the ROMs you make for all the different devices? I’m not jumping on that “can’t believe you said that bandwagon…” I was just thinking… If he makes 8ish ROM’s for a TP2, does the same for a LEO (HD2 I think), Diamond?, TP? How many devices???? Lets just stay 5 different ones.. that’s 8x5 or 40 different ROM’s he has to make!!!!! In my TP days, I was either on Root ROM & Energy, but most of the time I made my own with Calkin’s kitchen. Admit tingly I have a slow laptop… but it took TONS of time to add/change & then compile (cook) & then if there were errors (often), had to redo it all until it worked.
Now, go to each device & test all 40 of them, task29, flash… etc… Can you even imagine? IMHO: At least an hour per ROM, or 40 hours a week @ 1 ROM a week JUST TO TEST THEM!!!!!!!! A full time job just testing!!! Say nothing about finding errors, finding solutions, posting ROM’s on all different forums, uploading all of them, twitter, changing the kitchens, compiling all the ROMs… etc., etc… WOW
So, the more I think about it… NO WAY! Now what about the weeks he puts out 2 ROMs?!!! That would require over 100 hours of work!! I’ll bet he has a job & a life as well. So, it’s just not possible to test the ROM’s. My 2 cents? Given the time requirements…. No way he could even test 1 per device… so, now that I think of it… I’ll bet they’re not tested especially by him. He’s burned so many TP2 ROM’s I’m quite sure he’s got a pretty darn good idea of what will break it & what won’t, so most are pretty darn good. Some of the attempts he makes to fix them work great, others break it a little… eventually making a better end product…. And then a new sense & OS & cookie ver (3) comes out & he has to start all over again!!! Huge constantly changing variables!!
3. There was a post a day or 2 ago about having to run UC a couple times since it didn’t finish. Per above… Personally, I’m getting the same thing on Sashimi…