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Old 09-03-2010, 09:31 PM
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Re: I absolutely LOVE this Phone!

Yep, nice to see the positive thread as I am diggin this thing as well. I was figuring out the DLNA feature with allshare. Just run it no settings need to be messed with other than your phone to be connected to your wifi network and you can stream from the phone right into Win7 media player. Just look in media center for samsung under other libraries. It works pretty well.

Funny thing is the 720P vids from my "old" Evo played but without sound(codec issue?) and less fps, albeit, clear. This Epic looks even better as in clear with full fps and sound. I was driving home and went by the Cleveland air show and pulled over and got to shoot some vids in 720P of the end of the Blue Angels performance. Looks very good other than where I used the digital zoom too much. But whatever, we all know digital zoom anything is low quality.

Speaking of fighter planes the Hawx game is pretty cool and worth a demo with the 6 axis. You have to get into that companies game list for our phones from the sprint home page, categories, downloads, links, select "1 game free from gameloft!" I went round n round with their main site rejecting my phone so it appears it needs to be accessed that way for some sort of sprint tie-in for billing if you want to buy it but at least the list of demos are all available. I was hoping the shooter NOVA worked like it does with the iphone but no. Shooters on a phone without a gyro remain hard to control and less fun but maybe the compass/accelerometers or cameras can make it work in the future.

The phones stock interface is pretty nice but I still went with launcher pro, very worth trying out from the market. Well enjoy the new toy.
Think you can drive? Try a local autox for some weekend fun!
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