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Old 07-30-2010, 03:53 AM
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Re: Unlocker not working driving me nuts :(

Originally Posted by SofaKingDum View Post
I have been trying to use the olni unlocker for about three days now with no success. I have been met with numerous errors, all not valid. I tried the unlocker on 6 computers 5 of which gave me the non commercial use error. The other gave me "server down try back in 5, or disable firewall, disabled firewall no success.

This is bogus as I am a big fan of all the cooks and developers software, want like hell to try all of them.

Is this something everyone is experiencing or is this just me doing something wrong? Is there a different unlocker to use? Somebody help me please.
there's no other unlocker. if it told you that it has detected that you unlocked before, then you have to pay.
Originally Posted by slochild View Post
OK,I'll bite - what is the olni unlocker?
olinex unlocker.
aka, the hardspl unlocker.

Last edited by razorloves; 07-30-2010 at 03:55 AM.
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