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Old 06-28-2010, 10:06 PM
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Re: Bad to unplug before fully charged?

Originally Posted by themuffinman View Post
THIS IS WRONG, DO NOT LET YOU BATTERY DIE ALL THE WAY. Newer lithium batteries aren't like older nickel batteries where you had to discharge them all way then do a full charge. Constantly discharging your lithium battery on a regular will in fact cause more harm than good. Also, I keep my phone on the charger when its fully charged for hours on end at times and not once have I ever had it drop 10% after taking off the charger or even after 30 minutes for that matter.
When I leave my phone plugged into the charger, when the battery gets to about 95% the screen turns on and it stops charging. After a few minutes, though, it starts charging again and continues to do so until I unplug it. Perhaps this is what some people are talking about?
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