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Old 06-26-2010, 05:01 PM
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Re: New software version 6.28?

I'm probably NOT going to update since I have FULL root and am already running the currently MOST stable Froyo ROM out there now. Yes, the camera and BT is still broken...but I have a NAND backup of a fully functional 2.1 ROM for camera work.

NOW...the battery performance from 2.2 to 2.1 is so much better I'm not sure where to begin. I can leave the house with a full charge...and NOT charge again until before I go to sleep...(usage..moderate text, gmail push, espn scorecenter push, engadget widget push, news/weather push, 30 mins of talking on the phone, moderate internet usage, and at least an hour of messing with the phone and settings) I am at 30-40% when I plug in at night.

That alone is worth me NOT updating to any official ROMs that Sprint/HTC puts out. I didn't do it for the Mogul, TP OR TP2...not gonna start now.

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