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Old 06-20-2010, 11:45 AM
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Re: Nexus One Purchasing experience (ON, Canada)

Sorry for the late reply, The price details are below.

So far with my nexus one I have had no issues with signal quality what so ever. the 3G is excilent and I even got a 3Mbps upload at one time, but it is usually around 1.5Mbps. The only issue that I have had is that when I was visiting Niagra Falls my data connection turned its self off to protect me from roaming charges from the US towers that it was picking up. I did not try to change any settings to prevent it from using the forign towers.

Also a treat that I got from google the other day was acess to googles navigation, it was previously only avaliable in the USA(and UK i think) but now it is in Canada, and I will say it is incredible deal for free. It really is a good 3D voice navigation system complete with TTS.

I am currentilly running 2.2 with the latest build (FRF72) and everything is working great. However, a tip for anyone on telus planning on updating: You have to set the port to 80 in the APN settings to get the browser to work.

One more thing that I will add is that the camera is atcually really good. I was using it on the maid of the mist and the pictures that it took were pretty amazing for a cell phone camera. it seems to take really good outdoor pictures but inside the pictures are grainy.

Nexus one: $529.00 USD
Shipping: $27.16 USD
DHL COD (duties and taxes) $ 78.49 CAD
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