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Old 06-18-2010, 12:13 AM
proimageprints's Avatar
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I cannot enable my phone's radio?

I'm not sure how I did this, but my phone will no longer receive a phone signal. When it boots, the phone is automatically off. If I try to make a call, it asks if I want to turn on the phone. I turn it on, but then it shows no service. I have tried different radios and roms all with same result.
It is a Verizon XV6800. I think it is probably my radio. It currently has radio 3.35.04. I have tried to update it to both 3.37.78 and 3.42.50, but the phone will always reset shortly after it starts to install the new radio. I have tried both from PC or SD and neither works.

I was able to update the radio now. The radio updates to 3.37.78, but it won't go to 3.42.50. The phone still won't work....

Last edited by proimageprints; 06-18-2010 at 01:27 AM.
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