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Old 01-24-2008, 07:43 PM
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I am NORMALLY a calm person-- but I can truly identify with you-- I've had Sprint for around 6 years now-- and had a 'few' problems until this whole 'sprint/nextel' deal and the whole billing switchover-- Its now a regular occurrence everytime I call I will get sent back and forth 5 times before someone can "access the system" my phone is on--
my most recent big issue-- I've gone from treos to 6700 to moguls for the past few years and have "ALWAYS" had unlimited data and text-- one day I tried to call out-- and lo and behold my phone is off... I get customer finance who informs me I have incurred 276 dollars in text fees and 134 in data usage.... when I explain that I have unlimited I am transferred to the wrong customer care reps who transfer me back to finance who send me to the correct customer care who tell me to hold and send me back to finance...finally I get a customer care rep-- my plan has mysteriously been changed-- they will change my plan back and credit those charges... yay-- until 2 days later my service is back off-- I've once again been getting chrged for text and data-- I do the same carousel ride to get to someone who can help me who guarantees what the last person said was done really is done-- for the next 3 weeks.... every couple of days my phone was off with charges for data and text!!!!
I FEEL your anger!!!
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