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Old 03-18-2010, 09:08 PM
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Smile Just because I'm curious--Turn Off/On vs Soft Reset

Ladies and Gentlemen,

This is just a stupid question becuse I'm a curious person.

Becaues of the work I do, I can't take my phone into the office so I will usually "Turn Off" my phone and leave it in my car for 8 to 10 hours and sometimes even over night. I turn it off to save the battery. When I get back into my car, I turn the phone back on, it boots up like you'd expect and works like you'd expect; although, I've noticed it usually seems a bit sluggish--a little slower than usual.

When I do a soft reset of my phone, either through software or by inserting the stylis into the hole under the battery cover, the sluggishness (if that's a word) seems to go away and the phone performs just a little better--a little faster.

So, here are my questions:

1) Is this really happening or am I imagining things?

2) If it really is happening, then why? Wouldn't a turn off/on have the same effect as a soft reset?

3) How much battery am I really saving my turning my phone off when I'm at work. Would it be just as good to turn the radio off so the phone doesn't receive calls or texts?

Again, this isn't a serious problem, I'm just curious by nature.

Thanks in advance to all you experts. You've helped me many, many times to customize and understand my phone.

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