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Old 03-10-2010, 09:53 PM
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Re: Touch Pro 2 Wifi will not connect

Originally Posted by mikewest View Post
Is it possible that you are entering the "passphrase" and not the actual WEP key code? (if it is WEP.)

You might need a WEP Key Calculator...

The first thing I would try is to disable the password on your router to make it an open network. Try to connect to the open network with no password. This can help you to determine if your phone is the problem, or if your password is the problem. I had a simllar problem with a Nintendo DSi using a WPA2 passcode...It had to be converted into a big long hex code.

One more thing....are you absolutely sure that you are trying to connect to YOUR router? I notice in my part of town, my neighbors have 2WIRE933,2WIRE839,2WIRE393, etc...?

The fact that it tells you the network key is incorrect, causes me to really think that your 12 bit code is just a "passphrase" that needs to be converted to hex when you enter it into the TP2.

Can you get into someone elses router? Maybe try using BACKTRACK 4 to "sniff" your WEP key? This will give you the wep key in the hex format. Occasionally some routers are touchy, and wont take it in hex, and others won't take it in decimal. Some prefer to be on top.
Thank Mike I did try an open network with no security and I get the exact same results. I have an old I760 (not active on VZW currently) sitting on my desk also and it connects right up with and without security.
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