I did some testing with those reg keys from the CAB in post #36. On my stock Sprint TP2, I was able to get the "Vibrate and Ring" setting to stick by editing the following two keys:
<parm name="RoamingAlert" value="0" datatype="integer" /> *was 1*
<parm name="PhoneSettingExt-DLL" value="PhoneSettingExt.dll" datatype="string" /> *was PhoneAdvanced.dll*
But the downside is that with the DLL changed, the "Advanced" tab no longer shows up in the All Settings:Personal:Phone preferences page. This is where you can do things like "Reject call with text messages" and "Turn speaker on when device is placed face down during a call". Not sure if the settings is simply hidden (and still works) or if those options no longer works because a different DLL is being called in the reg key. Will have to do more testing.