Thread: Treo 750 review
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Old 12-09-2006, 01:49 PM
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Originally Posted by patmannyc
I bought it off ebay for 700. Going to sell the 8525 after I'm done "experimenting" The 750 isn't much different from the 700, but thoselittle changes at least show me that Palm cares about their products a bit.

budney- if you're looking for a data only phone you'll probably be better off with the 8525. It has every feature in the book (literally), and ease-of-use isn't so imperative when using as a pda-only. Plus HSDPA works out of the box, still working on the 750.
That's what I thought going from the 6700 to the 700wx. And I bet they will continue to improve future devices.

Yes, I have been looking at the 8525, 8125/MDA. I as much as I like the 8525 I can't see paying the extra for a HSDPA device. Their is no HSDPA in my area and it looks to be a couple of years away from happening. I am leaning toward the MDA, at $100 w/ contract through Sam's Club it's hard to resist. That is compared to the 8125 @ $200 and the 8525 @ $300.
'If it ain't broke, don't fix it,' unless you're a tweaker, and in that case you already fixed it ten times and it's still broken. - Dave Mustaine
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