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Old 10-30-2009, 04:38 PM
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Start Menu Programs Icons

hey everyone. got a tp2 of course with the new start menu, so when u hit it, it goes to ur fav programs. and i have about 15 of them set. and i hated their icons so i downloaded this icon pack (96x96 pixels) and make a folder on my storage card with ones i wanted to use. so i went to registery, HKLM-SOFTWARE-HTC-MANILA-PROGRAM LAUNCHER and changed path for icon to that folder for all 15. they work and LOOK GREAT! but only problem now is they slow down the phone everytime i click on start because they all load VERY slow! anything im doing wrong? any way i can speed that process up? like if im in any program and i exit and goto that menu i have to wait a very noticable time.
if this is the price you have to pay for ahving nice icons, im just ganna go back to stock icons.

any suggestions? thank you
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