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Old 10-27-2009, 10:17 AM
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Re: Waiting to get Imagio until the SPL unlocker is released

Originally Posted by acdc_rulz View Post
I have the option to upgrade to a new Verizon phone as my current XV6900's LCD is f'd. I think I will wait on getting the Imagio until the SPL unlocker is released. From the amount of posts on this forum, just way to many hacks/workarounds needed to get the phone to work like it should. If we could clean up the ROM provided by Verizon with this phone or better - build our own or use one from NFSFan, then I could justify getting this phone.

On the other hand, it seems there are no immediate plans for a SPL release and with a looming Droid release, should I even wait for this? I know and am comfortable with WM6.5 but this phone's ROM seems so junked up that the WM experience is diluted. I just don't want to go through the same issues as I had getting my XV6900 to the "perfect" build. Is it worth it to wait for an SPL unlocker on this phone?
mod move this it doesnt belong in upgrade forum
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