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Old 09-25-2009, 03:40 PM
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Reception (phone radio) quality & strength on the Pre

Hi Folks,

Relatively happy as I am with my Touch Pro I still consider the Pre sometimes.

But my chief concern with it is actually pretty mundane; because I have the bad fortune to live in a Sprint weak reception spot (despite coverage being excellent overall in my city) the wrong phone with the wrong radio capabilities could be very frustrating for me.

I fixed most of the issues on my TP by flashing to a Verizon radio; but with the Pre, this type of thing is impossible, or at least will be for a long time.

So I'd really appreciate some feedback from Pre users who live in areas with spottier coverage - how well does it:

1) receive calls when coverage is weak?
2) texts - do they arrive on time, or not at all in weak areas?
3) voicemails - are they similarly delayed or not received?
