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Old 11-07-2007, 05:23 PM
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Originally Posted by TalynOne View Post
I did some investigation for you guys, the dial code ##3282# just brings up the application EPST.exe with a parameter of ##3282 ("\Windows\EPST.exe" ##3282). I've created, and attached, a shortcut file you can copy to your device, and run, as an alternative to accessing it from the dialer.
Thanks Talyn, that did the trick!

I'm running Sampson's latest WM5 rom with radio 1.47, and I'm stuck on the step of setting PAM (phone as modem) as the default dial-up connection. When I go to start - settings - connections - connections - tasks tab - manage existing connections - modem tab, the only thing that is there is CDMA1X with number #777...there is no "Phone as Modem" radio button. When I click on edit for the CDMA1X, the modem choices are 'cellular line' (what it's currently on), 'bluetooth', 'generic irda' and 'hayes compatible on COM1.' Is there a way that I can make the proper settings?

I tried running through all of the remaining steps in this great tutorial anyway, but when I get to the installation of drivers on my XP machine it detects a generic serial connection, but then can't get an IP address.

Anybody know the answer? Thanks for your help! This forum rocks!

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