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Old 08-27-2009, 11:14 PM
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Re: North America Weather Database V2 Manila (8-27-09)

Originally Posted by conflipper View Post
nope, the only thing this does is replace the database, it is the exact same format with everything, all of HTC standards, unless they are returning something else back via xml, i guess i would have to look into it more, i never noticed weather in there in calendar.

if someone can confirm this is true, i will start to tweak from their then, just need to confirm.
Well I started second guessing myself, but I found out I was not dreaming. It was defiantly there yesterday, before I installed your database. Look here

Also, what I did when I installed your database was add 4 cities, normaly I had only 1. Since I have uninstalled yours and tried with the stock one and still nothing. I installed yours back and only added one city, and nothing. So seems something broke along the way, no biggie was just letting you know. Also, not sure it matters but I'm using the latest NRGY rom.